Wednesday, February 22, 2012

True Love

With Valentine’s Day a recent memory, and my Grandparent's 66th wedding anniversary coming up next week, I thought I would take this opportunity to share with you what I have learned about True Love.

For me, true love is knowing when your spouse needs a hug and accepting when they need their space.  It is knowing the difference between a smile that means "I am happy" and a smile that means "I need you".  It's answering each others' questions before they are asked.  It's sending flowers that come from the heart.  It's being the rock when your spouse is a wreck and finding the bright side when it may not be clear.  It's the comfort found in the touch of a foot in the middle of the night.  It's encouraging your spouse to try new things .... and agreeing to try new things because it makes your spouse happy.  It is making up after making mistakes ... and holding each other, not holding a grudge.  It's having patience (with a touch of persistence).  It's allowing your spouse space to pursue their passions even if it takes long hours, knowing you will spend time together later.  It's accepting your differences.  It is sharing both good times and bad, working together toward a common goal, and giving and taking and doing for each other.  It’s cooking for your spouse even when it's a task, but having your spouse return the favor when it's asking too much.  It's viewing your spouse as an extension of yourself ... there to accomplish the things that are out of your reach.  It's knowing that true love is a gift and working hard to keep it alive.  It is growing old together, looking out for each other, and looking back with pride at where your lives have gone.  It is looking around at a room filled with family that grew from your love.

So whether your relationship is a product of “love at first sight” or years of companionship, true love is something that many people have and many others dream of.  If you are one who has found true love ... I am happy for you; if you are one who is still looking for your true love ... don't fret, someone is out there for you.  For those of you who think it's been lost ... turn to your partner and start a new; and for those of you who may not have true love with a partner written in your cards (and even for those of you who do) always remember the importance of loving yourself ... don't forget to be your own true love!

Happy Belated Valentines Day to all .... and Happy Anniversary to my Grandma and Grandpa (Jerome and Norma) Einck!

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